Whyte Ridge soccer welcomes everyone to join our recreational program. We hope that the following will help you in your planning for the new season:
ROSTER SIZE and PLAYERS’ NUMBER - According to WYSA these are:
SCHEDULES - All games need to be played as scheduled. Note that ONLY the WYSA office has the authority to make any changes to the schedules. Any changes to the schedules will be communicated by email to the affected teams.
GAME CANCELLATIONS - In the event of an individual game cancellation email notification will be sent to the affected teams.
DEFAULTS - All games must be played as scheduled. Any teams that default a game without notice will have five (5) points deducted from the standings.
GAME SHEETS - Game sheets should be picked up before the season at the WYSA office.
The Coach or manager of each team will list the names of all coaching personnel present at the game and only those players’ names and uniform numbers that are present and dressed to play on the game sheet.
SCORING OF MATCHES - Teams can self-score from the WYSA websites. Instructions on how to score are on each website. Games should be scored within 24 hours of the completion of the game.
DISCIPLINE - Any team member ejected from a game is automatically suspended for ONE GAME, which is to be served in the next scheduled league, play-off or organized WYSA tournament.
FAIR PLAY- All players should expect to play around 50% of the game. It will be accepted that under certain disciplinary circumstances that on-field playing time cannot be guaranteed. It is the responsibility of the coaching staff to clearly communicate ANY disciplinary action to the player and his/her parents.
REFEREES -If in unforeseen circumstances a referee fails to appear for a game or is unable to officiate due to illness or injury, a qualified referee on-site may replace them. Failing that, the teams are responsible to agree on an alternate to officiate. The decisions of a person assuming the duties of the referee in such a situation shall have the same powers and duties as a person on the official list of referees. Upon completion of the game, this individual shall complete the game sheet and file an official referee report if necessary.
PRACTICE - Teams will be responsible for finding their own practice space and times. However, in the event of a game being rescheduled, league play will always take precedence over practice.
OUT-OF-PROVINCE TRAVEL - Any teams wishing to travel out of the province will need a travel permit approved by WRCC and the MSA.
TEAM MANAGEMENT - Good, clear communication is critical. We encourage each team to hold a parent meeting at the start of the season outlining the expectations of parents, players and coaches. WRCC has posted a summary of the roles of coaches, assistant coaches and managers on the website. We recommend finding a team manager, and all teams should have a parent representative to provide a liaison between parents and the coach if a parent is uncomfortable
REFEREE LIAISON - A referee liaison is required for every game, and should be indicated on the game sheet. Your team’s referee liaison should identify themselves to the referee, and their role is to assist the referee by managing the behaviour of their team’s spectators and/or coaches.
COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL - Please review this with the parents/players on your team. It applies to players, parents, coaches, convenors, etc.
Note: Do not contact the WYSA, MSA or CSA without first following the communication channel above in an attempt to resolve your issue.
Whyte Ridge Coaching page - https://whyteridge.ca/sports/soccer/soccer-team-officials/requirements-for-coaches-and-assistant-coaches/
Coaching Resources - http://www.manitobasoccer.ca/coach/resouces-new
Coaching Certification Program - http://www.manitobasoccer.ca/coach/certification-new
Coaching Technical Programs Package - http://www.manitobasoccer.ca/coaching/documents/TechnicalPackageUpdateOct25-10.pdf
Coaching Clinics - http://www.manitobasoccer.ca/coach/clinics-new
WYSA leagues - http://winnipegyouthsoccer.com/divisions.php?lang=1